hello world :)

I feel something emerging. A new story? Maybe. I suppose, part of this message is to remind me of the story kernel, its core message. Please forgive me if I don’t make a lot of sense.

The prospect of success that comes hand in hand with the prospect of abysmal failure.  True freedom is risky. Some people take that risk, and some do not. Of those that do, some succeed, and some do not. But if, as the saying goes, God does not require us to succeed, but only to try, does this automatically mean that everyone who dares to take the chance is successful by default? Or is that just wishful thinking, a form of whistling past tombstones in the dark?
On the flip side, someone told me once that too many choices tend to create unhappiness. According to this person, people profess to be most content when their scope of choice is limited. Ergo, a limited form of freedom is best. The rationale goes that more choices, equals an exponentially higher opportunity cost for each decision made, equals more future regret. Hence the higher probability for unhappiness.
Oh, and by the way, my novella, The Burned Bridges Protocol, is due to be released by Giant Squid Books this winter.
Did I forget to mention? I probably should have opened the post with that. Silly me 🙂
Any thoughts?